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Stronger Than Ever: Avante Health Solutions’ New Ownership & EIN Update – Important Next Steps

ALARIS Medical Systems, Inc. developed into a leader in intravenous (IV) drug delivery systems and infusion devices. Alaris offered the Medley Medication Safety System, the Signature Edition GOLD, Gemini, ASENA, and other infusion "smart pumps," the Guardrails Safety Software Suite, SmartSite and SmartSite Plus Needle-Free Valve systems.  Alaris marketed its products in the United States, Canada, Latin America, Europe, the Middle East, Asia, and Australia.

Purchased by Cardinal Health in 2004, Alaris eventually became the nucleus of CareFusion, a spin-off from Cardinal and one of the largest medical device suppliers in the world.

  • 1996: IMED Corporation and IVAC Medical merge; SmartSite Needle-Free Valve is introduced.
  • 1997: Merged entity is renamed ALARIS Medical Systems, Inc. (Alaris).
  • 1999: Signature Edition GOLD Infusion System is introduced.
  • 2001: Medley Medication Safety System, Guardrails Safety Software are introduced.
  • May 2004:  Alaris is acquired by Cardinal Health Inc. At the time Alaris employeed 3,000 workers in the United States and 12 other countries.
  • 2009: Cardinal Health spins-off it's medical device units to form Carefusion including the Alaris brand line.
  • Oct. 2014: Carefusion is acquired by BD (Becton, Dickinson and Company). 

As of 2015 Carefusion utilizes the Alaris brand name on it's series of Infusion technology.  

Carefusion Website:

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