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Stronger Than Ever: Avante Health Solutions’ New Ownership & EIN Update – Important Next Steps

Getinge Group Focus and History

The Getinge Group is organized into three business areas:

  • ArjoHuntleigh - Extended Care
  • Getinge - Infection Control
  • Maquet - Medical Systems

The Group has thousands of employees in over 40 countries serving surgery, intensive care, infection control, care ergonomics and wound care.  

In 1995, Getinge Group expanded its product range to medical beds, patient lifts and bathing solutions, by acquiring the Swedish company Arjo. 

In 2000, the acquisition of Maquet moved Getinge into the operating room with high quality operating tables and lighting.  Today Maquet is at the core of a third business area, Medical Systems. The acquisition of Jostra (heart-lung machines) and Siemens LSS (ventilators) in 2003 broadened the business area, allowing it to become even more patient-centric.

In 2007, Getinge continued to develop by acquiring Huntleigh Technology. The merger of Arjo and Huntleigh created a global leading player with a comprehensive product portfolio and service offering in the areas of patient handling, wound care and patient hygiene. 

Getinge Website:

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