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Stronger Than Ever: Avante Health Solutions’ New Ownership & EIN Update – Important Next Steps

Puritan Bennett Brand Focus and History

Puritan Bennett has been providing respiratory products for nearly a century, the company originated as a medical gas supplier. Today, Puritan Bennett is a division of Covidien, formerly TYCO Healthcare, and services all aspects of medical gas delivery, highlighted by its mechanical ventilators for intubated patients.

In addition to critical care ventilation, Puritan Bennett is a supplier of portable ventilation, oxygen therapy systems, sleep diagnostic and sleep therapy and other respiratory care products.

Puritan Bennett continues to produce critical care ventilation units. The 840™ Ventilator System, the 700™ Series Ventilator and the 7200® Series Ventilators are used in ICU's worldwide. The modular 840 Ventilator platform is suitable for neonatal through adult 

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