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Stronger Than Ever: Avante Health Solutions’ New Ownership & EIN Update – Important Next Steps

SciCan Focus and History

Best know for it's Sterilizers and Autoclaves, SciCan is an infection control solutions provider to ambulatory surgical centers or multi-office dental practices and small clinics. 

Originally founded in 1957, SciCan has more than 50 years experience in healtcare. With roots in the distribution of high quality German medical products, SciCan developed and produced its first internationally recognized infection control innovation by the late 1980s. SciCan is now a leader in the field of infection control in more than 100 countries around the world. 

In 2009, Dr. Martin Rickert and Arthur Zwingenberger acquired and then united MICRO-MEGA® with SycoTec and SciCan to form The Sanavis Group. Together, MICRO-MEGA®, SciCan and SycoTec employ over 750 associates and form one of the world’s ten largest suppliers of dental equipment and products.

Scican Website

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