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Stronger Than Ever: Avante Health Solutions’ New Ownership & EIN Update – Important Next Steps

Steris Focus and History

STERIS provides operating room tables and lights, infection prevention, contamination control, surgical and critical care technologies.

While the corporation was founded as Innovative Medical Technologies in 1985 and renamed STERIS in 1987, its history dates back to 1894 with the founding of American Sterilizer Company, a long-time, global leading innovator of sterilization products.

Today, through a series of strategic acquisitions and continual innovation of new products, STERIS holds one of the broadest portfolios of products in the industry. Some of its popular lines include:  Surgical tables, surgical lighting systems, sterilization systems, washing systems, high quality surgical monitor displays, scrub sinks, storage cabinets, and more.

DRE offers refurbished Steris AMSCO products in its Louisville, Ky. warehouse.

Steris Website

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