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Stronger Than Ever: Avante Health Solutions’ New Ownership & EIN Update – Important Next Steps

Avante carries a wide variety of medical gas equipment, components, and products. Our experienced staff can help guide you through the implementation of these systems — from start to finish. Call (800) 462-8195 today to learn more about our Medical Gas Consultation Services, and browse the following related medical gas components:

  • Headwalls, Consoles & Rail Systems
  • Vacuum Pumps & Air Compressors
  • Gas Outlets
  • Alarm Systems
  • Manifolds
  • Pressure Switches
  • Zone Valve Boxes and Ball Valves
  • Nitrogen Control Panel and Conversion Kits
  • Emergency Oxygen Inlet Box
  • Conversion Outlet Kits
  • Check Valves & Relief Valves
  • Fittings & Hose Assemblies
  • Flowmeters and Accessories
  • Suction Regulators and Accessories

Integrated Vacuum Systems:
Self-regulated system that provides surgical suction and evacuation of anesthetic waste gases from the allocated sites.

The pump interfaces with a plumbing system (provided by a contracted professional). The Vacuum Pump constantly regulates the vacuum pressure in the system. This provides the appropriate level of vacuum to the Vacuum Outlets at all times. The pump is sized proportionately to the number of vacuum outlets within the clinic (usually based upon square footage).

Vacuum Supply Outlets:
The Vacuum Outlets are color coded, have uniquely sized fittings, and are installed in strategic areas (usually near the Gas Supply Outlets) for ease of use. These outlets, like the Gas Supply Outlets, can be recessed into the wall and finished attractively or hung as ceiling pendants. Wall-Mounted Vacuum Outlets can be accessorized with vacuum regulators for surgical or airway aspiration. The wall outlets can also be accessorized by waste gas interfaces that control the amount of vacuum being applied to the pop-off valves on the anesthesia machines.

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