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Stronger Than Ever: Avante Health Solutions’ New Ownership & EIN Update – Important Next Steps

Global Outreach & Development

One Supplier for Medical Equipment and Biomedical Engineering Services

The Avante Global Outreach and Development Division fulfills the specific needs of non-profit organizations, medical mission groups, disaster relief efforts, and government funded projects.

Avante offers non-profit service organizations affordable equipment solutions based on their unique needs:

  • Special pricing for 501(c)(3) organizations
  • Medical equipment rentals for short-term mission trips
  • Complete, turnkey services for international hospitals and clinics
  • A wide range of new and refurbished medical equipment for all budgets
  • International shipping services

Introducing Our Pick Your Partner Program

Building Partnerships to Improve Global Health

When you purchase medical equipment from Avante Global Outreach, we can partner you with a non-profit organization of your choice to help you further your mission with free medical supplies, equipment, or medicines.