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Stronger Than Ever: Avante Health Solutions’ New Ownership & EIN Update – Important Next Steps

Improving Health in Ghana with Medical Devices from the USA

Kary Van Arsdale, Ed.D.

Certified International Commerce Specialist and Director of International Operations, Avante Health Solutions

There is a growing demand for affordable, reliable medical equipment in Ghana. With a population that exceeded 28 million in 2016, Ghana is the thirteenth most populous country in Africa and ranks forty-eighth in the world in country population.

Since the National Health Insurance Scheme (NHIS) made it mandatory for all citizens to become a member of a health scheme, Ghana has made progress in reducing death and disease. For instance, infant mortality has decreased by 19% since 2000 and malaria-related deaths among infants have declined by nearly 33% since 2004.

The Shortage of High Quality Medical Equipment in Ghana

In spite of these improvements, there is a shortage of hospital beds, personnel, and medical equipment in Ghana. In particular, there is a lack of medical equipment in district and teaching hospitals. Even Ghana's premier teaching hospital, Korle-Bu Teaching Hospital (KBTH) has experienced severe medical equipment shortages. For instance, KBTH has turned many patients away due to broken down medical equipment and obsolete devices that were nearly 20 years old.

How Poor Equipment and Care Affect Life Expectancy in Ghana

As a partial result of the medical equipment shortage in Ghana, the average life expectancy for Ghana was 62.4 in 2015. This life expectancy is nearly 10 years short of the global average for 2015. Ghana's doctor-patient ratio also contributes to the country's below average life expectancy. With an annual doctor-patient ratio of one doctor to 15,259 patients, Ghana is well below the WHO's standard of one doctor to 600 patients. As a result, patients in some areas of Ghana must wait 6-8 hours just to access public healthcare.

The Challenge of Finding Reliable Medical Equipment in Ghana

Public and private hospitals in Ghana often struggle to find high quality medical equipment that they can afford. There are few medical device companies in Ghana and the majority of those companies are located in Accra. The short supply of medical equipment companies leaves many hospitals and doctors without a local source for medical devices. Many doctors and hospital owners in Ghana have no idea how to find affordable medical equipment.

How To Source Affordable Hospital Equipment From The USA

Doctors and other health care providers in Ghana are often unaware that they can buy high quality, affordable medical devices from companies in the USA. The United States is the world's leader in medical device manufacturing with roughly 43% of all devices made in the USA in 2015. There are also some companies in the USA that sell both new and refurbished medical equipment. Doctors and surgeons in Ghana are often delighted to find out that they can reduce device costs by up to 50% or more by purchasing reliable refurbished medical equipment from the USA. Some of the leading refurbishing companies in the USA can provide all of the equipment required for a hospital in Ghana. Purchasing all equipment required from one single provider often leads to additional discounts and reduced shipping costs.

Choosing the Best Medical Equipment Supplier for Ghana

Not all medical equipment companies are created equal. When selecting a medical equipment provider for your hospital in Ghana, you should consider four key factors:

  • Industry experience
  • Product quality
  • References in Ghana
  • Accreditation

Choosing a company that is registered with the USA FDA is always recommended to guarantee product quality. Additionally, you should select a company with decades of international experience and a robust collection of references in Ghana.

Please contact us to learn how we have provided affordable medical equipment to hospitals and clinics in Ghana since 1984. We look forward to serving as your trusted source for medical equipment!