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Tech Support Tips for the Alaris 8000 Infusion System

May 21, 2023

Article by Wayne Mayberry, Biomedical Technician III 



To call for tech support or not to call for tech support? For many biomedical professionals, that is the question. While tech support will surely be able to help solve your issue, the convenience of being able to quickly fix your equipment on the spot is hard to ignore.  

In this article, I will address two error codes for the Alaris 8000 Infusion System and show how they can be easily resolved with some experience and troubleshooting skills. 

The “What We Have Here is a Failure to Communicate” Error 

This error code, 600.6835, is not listed in any of the recent service manuals but can be seen from time to time. The process for verifying this error is similar to the one above but requires you to dig deeper into the software. 

1.  Press Confirm to stop the alarm.

2.  Press the Options key.

3.  Press the Page Down key twice to get to page 2.

4.  Press the Network Status key and enter the passcode for the status.

If the wireless status is “disabled,” then the fix for this is fairly simple. If it is “enabled” and you still get the error code, then you should call tech support for assistance. 

1.  To fix this error, open the unit up in the system maintenance software and: 

a) Run the “Clear Network Configuration” Task

b) Run “Transfer Network Configuration” Task

c) Run the “Network Connectivity” task to verify connection.

2.  Turn the unit off and on to verify error has been cleared.

3.  If not, then please contact tech support for help.

The “We Just Don’t Understand Each Other Anymore” Error 

This error, signified with the code 200.5040, results when the two units, one being the 8015 Point of Care unit and the other one of the attached modules, cannot interface due to a difference in the firmware. 

If you get this error, the first step is to determine what version of firmware the two units have by doing the following: 

1.  Stop the error message by hitting Confirm.

2.  Press the Options key and the Page Down key.

3.  Press the Software key and the View key for each unit (PCU, PUMP, SYRINGE, etc.)

Contact the account of the unit you are working on to determine what version firmware the account is running. If any of the units do not match the version the hospital or account is running, then they must be flashed to match. In general, any 9.1x version firmware will run with any 9.1x or lower firmware, but a 9.3x may not run with a 9.1x. Software 9.3x must run with 9.3x and so on.  

The solutions for the two error codes we discussed today should help you quickly determine the problem with your Alaris 8000 system.

General Troubleshooting Tip: Take Detailed Notes 

As always, be systematic and methodical when troubleshooting. Refining your troubleshooting skills to a razor-sharp edge will be a great asset to you over the course of your career. Take your time, don’t rush, and confirm the information given after each step in the diagnosing process of the repair. 

Always take notes when on the phone with tech support. Taking detailed notes is one of the most important ways to handle support issues quickly and efficiently. When performing a step or test sequence, it helps to have detailed notes takes the stress out of remembering the details of conversations and makes it easier to ensure the guidance given is followed in its entirety. Also, note-taking is a really good way to capture every detail for future use.  

I hope this article helps in getting over some of the fear of contacting and asking for assistance from tech support. Remember they are there to help!