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Stronger Than Ever: Avante Health Solutions’ New Ownership & EIN Update – Important Next Steps

Case Study: ORA Oral Surgery & Implant Studio

September 14, 2018

At a glance

  • Facility: Oral Surgery & Implant Studio
  • Location: Chicago, IL
  • Size: 5,000 sq. ft
  • Details: 2 Operating Rooms, 2 Private Recovery Rooms, 3 Consultation Rooms, 3 Minor Procedure Rooms
  • Equipment Provided:
    • Vital signs monitors
    • Electrosurgical equipment
    • Infusion pumps
    • Anesthesia machines

Expanding Oral Surgery Center Network Relies on Premium Equipment from Avante Health Solutions

ORA Oral Surgery & Implant Studio in Uptown Chicago is a state-of-the-art facility, providing local residents with access to excellent oral and maxillofacial care. The recently completed 5,000 square foot LEED-certified facility boasts two operating rooms, three minor procedure rooms, recovery and consultation rooms and more, all featuring a modern and relaxed design aesthetic.

The carefully crafted environment at the facility is maintained by Dr. Steven Koos, owner and operator of ORA. Koos has been in the surgery field for more than 15 years and is a dual-degreed oral and maxillofacial surgeon. Koos currently performs procedures at his two ORA locations, one in the South Loop and the newest Uptown, in with an additional practice set to open in 2019.

Koos has been working with DRE Medical, now Avante Health Solutions, to outfit his facilities with premium medical equipment since a colleague recommended DRE to him in 2007.

“I wanted a company with a strong history in the medical/surgical equipment arena, affordability, dependability, and strong customer service,” Koos said. “DRE hit every one of those marks, which is why I return time and time again for my equipment needs.”

Steven A. Koos, DDS, MD

Owner, ORA Oral Surgery & Implant Studio

When Koos opened the ORA Uptown location in 2017, he worked with DRE to outfit the facility with new infusion pumps, vital signs monitors, and anesthesia machines, including the DRE Integra SP VSO2 portable anesthesia machine. “The DRE Integra SP VSO2 machines were the perfect solution for me to administer inhalation anesthesia for outpatient surgery in a delivery system that works perfectly for me,” Koos said. As his dental facilities expand, including a new ORA location planned for 2019, Koos anticipates relying on DRE for his continued equipment needs. He said that DRE Medical's commitment to quality and service has set the company apart from other vendors.

ORA Oral Surgery Entrance

“The staff at DRE is outstanding and they have made themselves available at every step of the process, from researching choices, to delivery of the items and additionally with the implementation of all the equipment,” Koos said.  “Additionally, they are able to troubleshoot and customize their products to the specific needs of  the surgeon if necessary, as was the case for me.”