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Medfusion 3500 vs 4000: Accessing Infusion Modes

August 26, 2019

The Medfusion 4000 is the next pump model after the Medfusion 3500, and is becoming increasingly available in the aftermarket. If you're already familiar with the Medfusion 3500, you'll notice the Medfusion 4000 startup process is slightly different. 

Watch this quick video tutorial from Matt Cameron, New Product Development Manager for Avante Health Solutions, to learn how to access the infusion modes on these two models.

How to Access Infusion Modes on Medfusion 3500 and 4000 Models

When powering up the Medfusion 3500 Syringe Pump, the unit will go through its self-test. After the self-test is complete, the interface will automatically show the infusion modes menu screen. 

The startup process for the Medfusion 4000 Syringe Pump takes a bit longer, and doesn't display the first opening screen as the Medfusion 3500. Instead of going directly to the infusion modes menu, the Medfusion 4000 displays a menu of clinical settings or applications. Examples include: Anesthesia, Cardiology, ICU, NICU, and more. 

To navigate to the infusion modes menu on the Medfusion 4000, press the numeric value for the appropriate application, then select "MORE." This will allow you to select the correct mode of infusion. 

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