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Stronger Than Ever: Avante Health Solutions’ New Ownership & EIN Update – Important Next Steps

Avante Welcomes Doug Katz as Vice President of Sales

September 4, 2019

We are pleased to welcome Doug Katz as Avante Health Solutions’ Vice President of Sales, with a start date of September 16, 2019.

Doug joins the Avante team with more than 30 years of relevant healthcare sales, operations, and customer service experience with the majority of his career spent leading large, regional sales teams. He was most recently a Region Vice President for Cardinal Health.

In his new role, Doug will be responsible for leading the sales teams for Avante Medical Surgical, Avante Patient Monitoring, and Avante Ultrasound (soon to be referred to as our Capital Sales and Repair & Replacement sales teams).

Reporting to Doug will be the sales leaders from Avante Medical Surgical, Avante Patient Monitoring, and Avante Ultrasound, as well as Director of Health Systems Craig Rothman. Doug will also work with these Business Unit Presidents and the marketing team to execute upon our go-to-market strategy across all domestic customer classes of trade (acute, non-acute, government, etc.). 

Please join us in welcoming Doug to the Avante Health Solutions family!