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Stronger Than Ever: Avante Health Solutions’ New Ownership & EIN Update – Important Next Steps

A Special HTM Week Message from Avante

May 13, 2020

This HTM Week, Avante recognizes engineers, biomeds, and other HTM professionals for their integral role in the healthcare community.

Healthcare Technology Management Week is quickly approaching! This annual event is a celebration to show our appreciation and raise awareness for the pivotal work of HTM professionals in healthcare facilities across the globe.

HTM Week 2020: May 17 – 23 

HTM professionals are committed to the service, maintenance, and management of healthcare technologies, but the changing nature of the healthcare industry is continuously expanding their scope of responsibilities. Not only do they acquire, install, maintain, and train healthcare facility staff on the latest medical technology, but they are also at the forefront of patient safety, equipment performance, and cybersecurity efforts. 

This year’s Healthcare Technology Management Week takes on special meaning as we think of the extra burdens that HTM professionals face during these unprecedented times.


HTM Week Contest: Win Lunch On Us!

Help us celebrate HTM Week by entering our social media contest! Post a photo of yourself and your biomed department for a chance to win lunch for your team. 

How it works
  1. Take a selfie with your department. (Stay safe! Use social distancing and PPE protections as needed at your facility)
  2. Post to social media (Facebook, LinkedIn, Twitter, or Instagram)
  3. Tag Avante Health Solutions in your post and use the hashtag #AvanteCaresHTM2020
  4. We’ll announce the winner on social media on Friday, May 22.


>> Get social with Avante Health Solutions 

The deadline to post your photo is Thursday, May 21 at 5 PM EST. All photo entries will be included in our HTM Week 2020 Appreciation Video on Friday, May 22. 

*The winning team will receive a gift card to purchase lunch for your team, on your schedule. Gift card amount will vary depending on the size of your team.


HTM Professionals Provide Crucial Support in the Fight Against COVID-19

As our worldwide community copes with this coronavirus outbreak, we recognize the vital importance of life-saving and life-sustaining roles. All medical professionals in medical facilities around the globe are putting themselves in harm’s way to treat coronavirus cases and other urgent medical needs. Keeping hospitals up and running and stocked with the equipment they need is now more important that ever. Critical, complex medical system must be maintained and maximized to handle larger patient loads with unique needs.

In the hardest hit areas, hospital biomedical staff is working increased hours to handle the influx our coronavirus cases. Their extended workdays have been refocused to turn equipment around as quickly and efficiently as possible. It’s all hands on deck to maintain critical equipment, especially respiratory ventilators, infusion pumps, and patient monitoring equipment. Like all hospital workers in hot spot areas, biomeds are increasing their workloads and safety precautions simultaneously. This includes donning additional PPE and undergoing regular temperature and vitals checks.

Hospitals spared from the worst of the coronavirus epidemic are dealing with a different set of challenges. As non-urgent procedures have been postponed, some HTM professionals are experiencing a reduction in work hours. Shifts have been redesigned to comply with social distancing guidelines, and many biomedical teams are concentrating on maintaining critical emergency equipment while many scheduled surgical procedures are still on hold.

Avante Cares

Our entire team at Avante Health Solutions is grateful for the hard work of HTM professionals across the globe. We have the privilege to work alongside you in the field, and we see your dedication and passion to maintain critical medical equipment. We hope for your health and safety over the months ahead, and are here to support your life-saving efforts.