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February 18, 2014
In a time where health spending is stagnating, medical practitioners and health care professionals are still expected to maintain business as usual. This demand for the same degree of service, despite tightening purse strings, makes the case for the continuing growth of the refurbished medical equipment market.
Purchasing refurbished medical equipment has saved medical professionals money for generations. It is no wonder that the industry is thriving and attracting an even larger user base today.
An already booming market for refurbished equipment is projected to keep expanding, according to a study from Transparency Market Research. By 2018, the refurbished medical equipment market is going to be worth an estimated $9 billion if it continues increasing at the current 8.2 percent annual growth rate.
At DRE Medical, we’ve known for 30 years that refurbished medical equipment has an important role in the healthcare industry. Before new trends began paving the way for growth in the refurbishment field, we had already been helping our customers find quality refurbished medical equipment.
One of the biggest advantages of buying used medical equipment is the price. This is probably the most obvious benefit of refurbished equipment. Like pre-owned cars and consignment furniture, refurbished medical devices are sold at a lower price-point than their factory-new counterparts.
Before you make your next medical equipment purchase, consider whether or not refurbished equipment is a better alternative.
There are other key factors and benefits to consider before you purchase medical equipment to help you determine if refurbished medical equipment is the right choice.
These days, it can be tough to keep up with medical equipment manufacturers. Small tweaks to an interface can result in a roll-out of new products, pressuring practitioners to go with the latest and greatest. This constant learning curve can get in the way of clinicians doing what’s most important – helping patients. Stick with what you know.
Purchasing refurbished medical equipment makes perfect sense for labs, research facilities, universities, nursing schools, simulated training and other teaching environments.
With today’s budget constraints, the need to strategically plan expenses for an OR suite is becoming more prevalent. Saving money on a professionally refurbished, machine can mean more padding in the budget for updated imaging equipment or a new procedure chair.
Our customers come to us for quality refurbished pieces for these reasons, and many more. They know they can feel good about saving money and resources with DRE’s wide selection of refurbished devices. We have the equipment, the tools and the know-how to make sure you get the best medical devices at the best prices because we’re experts.
For more information about DRE Medical’s refurbished equipment offerings, call 1-800-462-8195 today. Stay tuned for our online guide to buying refurbished. Connect with your peers on our social networks for exclusive deals and industry updates. Have some comments to share? Email