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October 19, 2017
Recent changes to the standards for performing preventive maintenance have raised a lot of questions. The majority of these questions come from the fact that the governing bodies have deferred to the OEM for the preventive maintenance schedule. Not a big deal, right? Not really, as long as you are only responsible for one model with the most current software/hardware version and the most up to date service manual.
For the other 99.9%, this will effect you greatly. CMS (Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services)[1] and ACR (American College of Radiology)[2] have both suggested that preventive maintenance schedules should be done in accordance with the OEM specifications. Therein lies the problem. If you look at the current offerings from the OEMs, you will be surprised to find out that there are more than 70 ultrasound equipment offerings. When you have the free-time, like we all do, find and download the service manuals for the equipment that you are responsible for. Once you have each up-to-date service manual, read over the preventive maintenance procedures. You will notice, very quickly, that they differ from OEM to OEM and even model to model. That being said, some OEMs don’t require preventive maintenance on the ultrasound system, transducers or accessories. What are the safety concerns for your patients when the OEM’s recommendation is to not service the system, transducers or accessories?
The question remains, how do I perform a preventive maintenance on my ultrasound equipment? When do I perform a preventive maintenance and what are the standards?
Use this document to have a better understanding of what needs to be done during a preventive maintenance, standards for pass/fail and submission for accreditation. You can also use the attached Ultrasound Certification Report to document and develop your own maintenance program that supersedes the OEM recommendation. GMI recommends performing preventive maintenance every 6 months. This schedule will increase the lifespan of your system and will ensure the safety of your patients and operators. You will also see the benefit of regular maintenance in your budget and bottom line.