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Restaurado – Sistema de Examinación de Estrés Cardiaco Burdick Quest

Restaurado – Sistema de Examinación de Estrés Cardiaco Burdick Quest

Marca: Burdick
Web ID: 1654
Condición: Refurbished

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El Sistema de Examinación de Estrés Cardiaco Burdick Quest ayuda a aumentar la eficiencia de los pacientes, ofreciendo una interfaz de usuario sencilla, basada en el tacto que guía a los usuarios a través de la prueba de esfuerzo con guía Logistep propiedad de Burdick. En combinación con la tecnología de pantalla táctil integrada, la guía Logistep destaca el siguiente paso tomado típicamente y elimina la necesidad de que el usuario busque la llave correcta, mando o palanca. Incluso hay una manera fácil de corregir los cambios de fase no intencionales sin tener que empezar de nuevo.

El sistema Burdick Quest ofrece 11 protocolos estándar, pre-programados y permite llevar a cabo ECG 12-lead en reposo y pruebas de esfuerzo. Para garantizar trazados ECG claros, el Sistema Burdick Quest elimina el ruido eléctrico no cardiaco y la línea de base. El gran monitor de 15 pulgadas a color muestra al instante 3, 4 o 6 canales y marcos congelados para la revisión detallada e impresión. Solicite cotización o aprenda más sobre el sistema poniéndose en contacto con un especialista en equipos DRE hoy.


  • Sencillo, control completo con el toque de un dedo en una pantalla de colores vivos 15 ".
  • Todo lo que necesita está en una pantalla, lo que le permite mantenerse enfocado en el paciente.
  • Realiza ambos ECG 12-lead descansando y pruebas de estrés en un sistema
  • Programación flexible, lo que permite al usuario elegir el protocolo.
  • El sistema elimina el ruido eléctrico no cardiaco para asegurar que los datos del ECG sean precisos.
  • Más de 15 configuraciones diferentes de informes.
  • Varias opciones de gestión de datos y amplio espacio de almacenamiento.



  • Dimensions: 60" x 25" x 34" (152 cm x 63 cm x 86 cm)
  • Weight: 170 lbs. (78 kg)


  • Type: 15" High-resolution color with integrated touchscreen;
  • Mount: User-adjustable tilt (•15°) and swivel (•90°);
  • Content: 3, 4 or 6 ECG channels, real-time; information and alphanumeric data;
  • Displayed Leads: User-selectable during a test; (3-, 4- and 6-channel); Waveform display •8 seconds per lead of ECG in 3-channel mode


  • Main Keyboard: QWERTY layout;
  • Ergometer Control: Dedicated keys for ergometer speed, grade, start and stop


  • Digital I/O: RS-232 interfaces to treadmill, bicycle ergometer, and optional automatic blood pressure monitor; TTL pulse for QRS detection, 50 msec. delay;
  • Analog Output: 4 user-selectable outputs

Standard Interfaces Optional

  • Network: Ethernet 10baseT for full disclosure report storage and export of final report data using HL7 protocol or XML;
  • Removable Media: Zip drive for full-disclosure test storage – compatible with 100 MB and 250 MB disks


  • Power Requirements: 115/230V AC +/- 10%, 2.5/1.25 A, 50/60 Hz nominal 300 VA max.

Chart Recorder

  • Paper Type: Pre-grided thermal paper, Z-fold, 8.5" x 11" (US letter) or 210 mm x 300 mm (A4);
  • Printout Device: 216 mm thermal dot array;
  • Paper Speed: 10, 25, 50 mm/sec. +/- 2%;
  • Printing Options: Multiple format ECG waveform and alphanumeric printing, diagnostic quality;
  • Gain: 5, 10, 20 mm/mV +/- 5%;
  • Frequency Response: 0.05 Hz to 150 Hz +/- 10%;
  • Muscle Artifact Filter: User-selectable: Off, 20 Hz or 40 Hz; Baseline filter User-selectable: Off, 0.12 Hz or STABLE (meets or exceeds all 1990 AHA recommendations);
  • Calibration Signal: 1.0 mV for 200 msec. +/- 5%

ECG Computations

  • Heart Rate Computation: 8-beat average, 30 bpm to 250 bpm, updated every second
  • ST Measurements: 20 sec. moving window with 10 sec. updates to the display and to reports;
  • ST Parameters: Level, slope for 12 leads simultaneously;
  • QRS Detection Channels: II, V2 and V5 with switching;
  • Ectopic Detection: Ventricular arrythmias, unclassified;
  • ST Reference: User-selectable: E-point (QRS onset), J-Junction (QRS offset), ST point (0 msec. to 100 msec., 5 msec. interval) with display/printout annotation


  • Preprogrammed: Manual, Bruce, Modified Bruce, Balke, Naughton, Ellestad, Kattus, Ramp, Astrand, Modified Astrand, Pharmacological;
  • User-defined: 20 protocols with up to 30 stages each plus; Warmup and Recovery phases

Patient Module

  • Dimensions: 1.3" x 4.3" x 3.8" (3.3 cm x 10.92 cm x 9.65 cm);
  • Weight: <1 lb. (0.5 kg);
  • Frequency Response: 0.05 Hz to 150 Hz, +10% to -30% (maximum);
  • Defibrillation Protection: To 360 J, 5 kV;
  • Common Mode Rejection: >120 dB at 60 Hz;
  • Electrode Offset Tolerance: +/- 300 mV;
  • Line Frequency Filters: User-selectable 50 Hz, 60 Hz or off;
  • Noise: <30 μVpp;
  • Pacemaker Pulse Indication: Per EC13;
  • Input Channels: Simultaneous acquisition of 8 leads plus 4 derived leads;
  • Defibrillation Recovery: Maximum recovery time is 8 seconds;
  • Patient Connection: 10 replaceable leads

Exercise Stress Reports

  • During Exercise: 12-lead or Average Complex with Trend Graphs (HR/BP, Single-lead ST, 12-lead ST, Side by side averages, Overlaid averages, 12-lead averages), Rhythm, Ectopic Beat, Event Identification;
  • Final Report: User-selectable: Exercise Test Summary in tabular or narrative format; Average Complex Summary (Baseline, Maximum ST, Maximum Exercise); Trended Average Complexes (per minute or per stage); Trend Graphs (HR/BP, RPP, METS, Ectopics, 12 single-lead ST); Stress Report Form;
  • Comments: Selectable, user-defined;
  • Configurations: Up to 5 user-defined configurations with final reports and protocol selections

Ergometer Interface

  • Treadmill: Dedicate a 110V 20 amp plug in. Dedicated serial RS-232C for TM55 or TM65; Bike Dedicated serial RS-232C for Treadmill Burdick supported bicycle ergometer

Ergometer Control

  • Control Modes: Automatic or manual; Displays Workload in METs; Phase, Stage and Exercise; Test Time (ETT); Ergometer values for treadmill-grade in percent, speed in mph or kmh; for bike -workload in watts, speed in rpm
  • Displays: Workload in METs; Phase, Stage and Exercise; Test Time (ETT); Ergometer values for treadmill-grade in percent, speed in mph or kmh; for bike -workload in watts, speed in rpm

Environmental Specifications

  • Operating: Temperature 50°F to 104°F (10°C to 40°C);
  • Relative Humidity: 15% to 95% non-condensing;
  • Atmospheric Pressure: 525 mmHg to 795 mmHg (700 hPa to 1060 hPa)

Conforms to Standards

  • EN60601-1-1; IEC 601-2-25; EN60601-1-2; ANSI/AAMI EC11, 1991


  • IEC 601-1 Type CF Defibrillator Proof