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Stronger Than Ever: Avante Health Solutions’ New Ownership & EIN Update – Important Next Steps

Bird V.I.P. Infant and Pediatric Ventilator

Bird V.I.P. Infant and Pediatric Ventilator

Web ID: 941
Condition: Retired

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This microprocessor ventilator for infants and pediatrics provides assist/control and SIMV/CPAP in both volume cycled and time cycled modes.

The Bird V.I.P. is responsiveness breath by breath, in an infant-pediatric ventilator, providing information that is accurate, responsive and excels to the highest levels of performance.

The V.I.P. Bird® Ventilator System was designed specifically for neonatal, infant, and pediatric populations. It incorporates highly sophisticated features such as Flow Synchronization, Termination Sensitivity and a Dual Mode Breath Type to promote patient synchrony and facilitate weaning. The V.I.P. Bird® Ventilator system sets the premium standard for superior respiratory care in the NICU and PICU environments. The V.I.P. Bird® Ventilator System reaches the highest levels of performance by responding to a patient's ventilatory requirements breath by breath. This is achieved by utilizing software technology that continually evaluates the patients' breathing, allowing interaction between the infant and the ventilator while while providing the clinician with information that is accurate and responsive.

  • Total Flow Synchrony - to match the patient's respiratory pattern.
  • Pressure Support - available in all breath types
  • Broad range for volume delivery 10 - 1200 ml
  • "Smart" Sensor technology - autoclavable proximal flow sensor.