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Kendall 5325 SCD ( Sequential Compression Device )

Kendall 5325 SCD ( Sequential Compression Device )

Brand: Covidien
Web ID: 1155
Condition: Refurbished

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The Kendall 5325 SCD ( Sequential Compression Device) is designed to limit the development of Deep Vein Thrombosis (DVT) and Peripheral Edema in immobile patients. When a patient is immobile for long periods of time, as in recuperation from an injury, blood tends to pool in the calf area of the lower leg. To combat this tendency, clinicians use the Sequential Compression Device. This consists of an air pump connected to a disposable sleeve by a series of air tubes. The sleeve is placed around the patient's leg. Air is then forced into different parts of the sleeve in sequence, creating pressure around the calves and improving venous return.

The Kendall Model 5325 uses tubing KE5378A. The tubing can be used for two extremities at once, or one side can be capped for single extremity use. One disposable sleeve is required for each extremity being compressed, and the same sleeves can be wrapped around either a leg or arm, although most clinicians use these machines only for lower extremities.